The Consortium for Building Energy Innovation (CBEI) is a multidisciplinary collaboration of universities, private sector technology companies, and economic development agencies formed to focus on developing solutions to address the energy efficiency in existing small- and medium-size commercial buildings. Over the course of the 5-year project, Maskar Design worked with the consortium to develop supporting educational materials, exhibit graphics, and a final report and website detailing the research, news, and technologies developed by CBEI partners during the 5-year project period.

To help spread their message, EEB Hub participated in the Greenbuild: Sustainable Building Conference. We developed engaging and interactive exhibit graphics to act as a backdrop while highlighting key data points to explain their mission and goals.
Maskar also created educational inforgraphics that detailed approaches for creating energy-efficient retrofits.

When management of the project shifted from University of Pennsylvania to Penn State, EEBHub became CBEI. Maskar developed their new logo and corresponding materials and eventually created the final report and website to house the five-year project data.