Barra Foundation

All organizations evolve. When Barra Foundation revised its funding strategy to better foster innovation, they needed their website to communicate the new approach, share stories about their grantees, and provide resources to enhance the innovation conversation in the region. We developed a beautiful solution that allows staff to keep their content update themselves via a custom WordPress CMS.

Consortium for Building Energy Innovation (formerly EEB HUB)

The Consortium for Building Energy Innovation (CBEI) is a multidisciplinary collaboration of universities, private sector technology companies, and economic development agencies formed to focus on developing solutions to address the energy efficiency in existing small- and medium-size commercial buildings. Over the course of the 5-year project, Maskar Design worked with the consortium to develop supporting educational materials, exhibit graphics, and a final report and website detailing the research, news, and technologies developed by CBEI partners during the 5-year project period.


Fairmount Ventures

Fairmount Ventures is an organization dedicated to helping nonprofit, philanthropic, and public agencies grow. Fairmount Ventures felt that their old website site was outdated and was no longer working for them. After staff interviews, discovery meetings and strategic conversations, we worked together to create not only a new and attractive website but a refreshed brand identity —resulting in a new logo and graphic system that gives Fairmount Ventures the tools to move forward.

Logo Development

While a brand is more than just a name and a logo, that’s often where it starts. Over the years, we’ve worked with many organizations to develop a new logo and tag line (and sometimes a name). We’ve included a few snapshots of logos and their applications below.

Jersey Water Works

Jersey Water Works started as the Urban Water Infrastructure Initiative, a collaboration between multiple agencies, nonprofits, and stakeholders seeking to improve the aging water infrastructure in New Jersey. Their goal was to develop a new name and brand and build a website that would inspire collaboration, keep partners informed and invested in progress.