In partnership with Steege Thomson, Independence Blue Cross, and the City of Philadelphia, we developed the #mindPHLtogether website for Mental Health Awareness Month. The website features citywide resources to help manage mental health and bring awareness to the importance of self-care.
Growing Up Philly
The Philadelphia Department of Public Health’s Growing Up Philly provides a summary of the health and well-being of Philadelphia’s youngest citizens from birth to adolescence. The health of Philadelphia’s children reflects the social and economic problems they face, but also contains evidence of progress.
View more projects for the City of Philadelphia.
Lunch Rush
Introducing Lunch Roulette! When lunchtime indecision hits, let the wheel pick your meal! Each icon highlights one of our favorite lunch spots around the office.
Health of the City 2019
The Philadelphia Department of Public Health’s Health of the City Report describes the health and well-being of people who live in Philadelphia. We designed the report to make the demographic summaries including health outcomes and factors approachable and easy to digest.
View more projects for the City of Philadelphia.
Energy Campaign Update
We collaborated with Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA) to create the Philadelphia Energy Campaign – Year 2 Update. The report highlights the success that PEA’s initiatives throughout the community using bright colors, infographics, and testimonials.
See more work for Philadelphia Energy Authority.