Gun Violence Prevention

what do you think of when you see the words gun violence?

The epidemic of gun violence is a public health crisis affecting communities throughout Pennsylvania. More than 1,500 Pennsylvanians die each year from gun violence — one person every 6 hours. The human costs of gun violence are immense. Philadelphia Department of Public Health (PDPH) and PA Saftey Alliance partnered to create a series of videos to bring awareness to the issue.

Preemption laws threaten local firearm regulations and can prevent local officials from protecting their communities against gun violence. The Preemption video aims to educate viewers on the definition of preemption and how it can affect your community. The animation introduces comprehensive gun violence data in Pennsylvania. As the video progresses, it illustrates how not all communities are the same and should incorporate laws tailored to their circumstances.

The Permit to Purchase animation introduces viewers to permit-to-purchase systems, ensuring that individuals have passed a background check before purchasing a handgun. The video highlights common rights Americans have but require additional authorization. The animation feels meant to leave the viewer feeling like the permit to purchase system is simple and common sense.

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