Living just a few miles away can decrease life expectancy by nearly twenty years. Many Philadelphians live, learn, work, shop, and play in neighborhoods that make good health difficult to achieve. Close to Home: The Health of Philadelphia’s Neighborhoods report and companion website provides comprehensive community health and well-being rankings for neighborhoods throughout Philadelphia. These rankings elucidate which areas of the City are experiencing the poorest outcomes and facilitate targeted public health interventions and planning efforts to reduce health disparities in Philadelphia.

The 104-page report highlights an individual neighborhood’s ranking against overall health outcomes and factors.

Similar to the report, the Close to Home website is an interactive representation of the health rankings. A user can either choose to navigate through neighborhoods by continuous scroll or select the desired neighborhood to learn more.
The overview of health outcomes and health factors in Philadelphia shows the city average against the best and worst neighborhood statistics and underscores the impact of location on health.

An interactive map shows a snapshot of each neighborhood as the user hovers over a section of the map.