Brandywine Red Clay Alliance was formed in 2015 when two watershed conservation organizations merged. Based on a 318-acre conservation center in West Chester, they work to preserve and repair the local watershed, engage volunteers in conservation programs, and educate future environmental stewards through classroom programs and a summer nature camp.
New Connections
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation created the New Connections program to provide research grants, networking, and skill-building to scholars who are historically underrepresented in research disciplines. Our client Equal Measure has served as the National Program Office since 2008, and we have worked with them to develop ongoing materials for the New Connections program.
Philadelphia Foundation
Founded in 1918, The Philadelphia Foundation (TPF) is one of the nation’s oldest community foundations. Their goal is to improve the Greater Philadelphia region through funding support for nonprofits, especially those serving and supporting vulnerable populations. Maskar Design has worked with TPF to communicate their strategy and vision for their second century, most recently through their latest annual report.
Philadelphia Energy Authority
In 2010, City Council established the Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA) as an independent municipal authority with a focus on reducing energy consumption and expense in Philadelphia. Maskar Design has worked with PEA to create energy reports that detail ongoing initiatives and developed their website to put a spotlight on PEA’s programs and ongoing efforts.
Center for Nutrition and Activity Promotion
Maskar worked with Pennsylvania Advocates for Nutrition and Activity at Penn State to create materials and a website for their nrg campaign. The campaign reached out to teenagers to encourage greater activity and healthier eating habits, and we developed a brand style with the teen market in mind.