City of Philadelphia

Maskar has worked extensively with various departments in the City of Philadelphia to help tell the story of the city’s residents. Making data approachable gives citizens and others insight into neighborhoods and communities. We have helped develop names, logos, infographics, reports, and websites to promote wellness and health initiatives amongst Philadelphians.


Philadelphia Energy Authority

In 2010, City Council established the Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA) as an independent municipal authority with a focus on reducing energy consumption and expense in Philadelphia. Maskar Design has worked with PEA to create energy reports that detail ongoing initiatives and developed their website to put a spotlight on PEA’s programs and ongoing efforts.

Center for Nutrition and Activity Promotion

Maskar worked with Pennsylvania Advocates for Nutrition and Activity at Penn State to create materials and a website for their nrg campaign. The campaign reached out to teenagers to encourage greater activity and healthier eating habits, and we developed a brand style with the teen market in mind.

Consortium for Building Energy Innovation (formerly EEB HUB)

The Consortium for Building Energy Innovation (CBEI) is a multidisciplinary collaboration of universities, private sector technology companies, and economic development agencies formed to focus on developing solutions to address the energy efficiency in existing small- and medium-size commercial buildings. Over the course of the 5-year project, Maskar Design worked with the consortium to develop supporting educational materials, exhibit graphics, and a final report and website detailing the research, news, and technologies developed by CBEI partners during the 5-year project period.


Philadelphia Water Department

All that rain. For most of us, it means the inconvenience of finding an umbrella. But Philadelphia’s Water Department sees a bigger picture and wants consumers to understand stormwater and how it affects the larger system. We visualized Philly’s underground infrastructure, explained the impact of stormwater, and highlighted its innovative management processes through a series of posters and other collateral that PWD uses in educational presentations, social media and when talking with local news outlets.